Welcome to the Craftivist’s Garden. I’m an advisor for this exciting new project by Craftivist Collective with Falmouth University and Arts for Health Cornwall that is about collecting data so that we can prove to policy makers that craft is good for you. Of course we know this already, but you try standing up in the House of Commons and saying that, which is what MP for Penryn and Falmouth Sarah Newton would have to do. We thought she could do with some ammunition in the way of data. We need your help to spread the word, and the crafting before our finale next January. Download the app here.
The project was launched last night in London to great fanfare, some good cake and some lovely people. (Lots of quiet stitching and reflecting went on too as we made flowers for the Craftivist Garden.)

Hilary of Craft Blog UK
- This is the lovely Sarah Corbett of the Craftivist Collective explaining all about her new project.
Sarah says, “If you’re based in the UK, we’d love you to join in and hand-embroider, knit or crochet a flower for our #wellMAKING Craftivists Garden, while reflecting on the importance of wellbeing and what we need in order to flourish as individuals and as a society.”